Launch of the G7 Global Health Task Force

August 10, 2022

In May 2023, Japan will host the G7 Summit in Hiroshima, the “City of Peace.” Ahead of the Summit, JCIE has launched the Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force to make recommendations to the Japanese government on the G7 agenda and concrete measures to be promoted for global health in the context of the rapidly changing global health architecture. The Task Force is an initiative of JCIE’s Executive Committee on Global Health and Human Security (Chairman: Keizo Takemi, Member of the House of Councillors; Executive Director: Akio Okawara, President and CEO, JCIE) which is a unique public-private platform established in 2007 that facilitates the Japanese government’s policymaking on global health and public-private collaboration in that field.

Research teams will be organized to conduct a detailed study on the three themes: (1) 100 Days Mission and Access & Delivery (100 Days Mission PLUS); (2) Resilient, Equitable, and Sustainable UHC; and (3) Global Health Architecture Development. The Task Force will also organize international dialogues that engage representatives from diverse sectors across non-G7 countries and will actively take part in global discussions that are currently underway. By doing so, it will seek to reaffirm Japan’s position in the ever-changing international community, identify areas in which Japan should lead as the 2023 G7 chair, and explore specific measures to pursue.

To learn more and stay informed about the latest progress, visit the Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force program page.